About Us

About Us

The Family Behind the Scenes of E&A Excavating and Services, LLC in Worden, Illinois!

Meet Our Team

a black and white photo of a man and a woman standing next to each other .

Brooklyn East, Owner


Tom East, Superintendent

A black and white photo of a boy and a girl with a cake that says coming october 2024

Our Family 

Brooklyn grew up in a small town and is the oldest of seven children. She grew up with an overall “small town proud” attitude and her parents were very focused on family and everything that entails. She enjoys having such a tightknit, large family.

*Fun fact: Brooklyn played volleyball for Illinois State University (and was invited to try out for the Olympics 3 years in a row).

After years of traveling with her husbands’ work, they decided it was time to come home to begin building something that could potentially benefit their family in the future. 

Brooklyn & Tom East have been married for 6 years and have 3 kids: Trev(12) Tyler(5) Tessa(3). Tom has worked in the industry since 1999 but started working out of Operating Engineers Local 520 in 2002.

Both Tom & Brooklyn love spending time with their growing family and being outdoors.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to provide each and every client with quality workmanship in a timely and efficient manner that results in our client's overall satisfaction! We handle  every job with accountability and quality work. Each member of our team is dedicated to focusing on the particular needs of each unique job and our mission is based on the quality-filled values we hold true: integrity, service and excellence. After all, "Quality Counts"!
A red wax seal that says quality counts

E&A Excavating and Services LLC is a team who cares! Contact us today!
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